“秃眉” !“白脸” !“黑牙齿” !早期日本【美女】的三大特征!

帶你追溯到日本古時 平安時代   794年 至 江戶時代1868年 19世紀 當時閉關鎖國的日本,確實對於歐美人是有很多新奇感的事物! 由1853年“黑船事件”發生 后讓很多歐美人見識了日本人有個獨特又怪異的習俗! 尤其是日本女子的妝容更是讓人 驚恐 !! 让人记忆深刻的恐怖妆容深深烙在欧美人心中 ! 在歐洲有一本書記載描繪, 當時的醜陋日本男性與美麗的日本女性完全不同 —— “她們各个皮膚白裏透紅, 濃密的 黑髮, 眼神带些  憂鬱,舉止優雅,身形嬌小,對每個人都不停鞠躬,各個都是美人” 不過 , 對於化了妝的日本女性卻有這樣恐怖的形容 —— “臉孔都是煞白的,沒有眉毛,血紅色櫻桃小嘴,嘴巴張開始,牙齒整排竟是黑色的! 猶如深夜的魔 鬼啊~!” 當時的歐美人對於這樣的妝容無法理解,也接受不到! 只要一開口説話,那黑黑的牙齒 簡直是嚇死寶寶了!都會不有得後退! 這一幕讓人看了是多麽的觸目驚心啊! 爲何日本女性會有這麽 “特殊” 的妝容? Ohaguro(   お歯黒 )染黑齒 最初只有貴族成年女性染牙, 隨著風潮漸漸的流傳于民間; 到後來這樣的盛行似乎成了少女的 『 成年禮』。 Ohaguro bowl( 染黑齿碗) 她们使用茶,酒,醋,糖混合,再加入燒過的鐡削, 經過數日的發酵,加熱沸騰后便形成特殊黑色物質。 這種物質塗上后,可以保持長期不掉; 據説還能预防蛀牙和 牙周病 ! 即便有蛀牙也看不出吧~ 😂 古時的日本男性都認爲擁有“禿眉”,“白粉臉”和“黑牙齒” 這三個特徵才是人人眼中的美女 以前的“審美觀”真是重口味啊~! 😅 妈妈咪呀~吓死宝宝了! 😱 引眉Hikimayu(   ひきまゆ) 流行于奈良时代至平安时代期间, 最初开始将眉毛全部拔除, 用 「 墨 」在眉毛上画出  “弓眉”   。 然而当来到 平安时代 ;画眉方式却改变了, 画成了长圆形的眉形也称为 “殿上眉” 和之前的眉相比;眉形稍微高一些。 日本名著古典文学小说《源氏物语》 日本名著古典文学小说《源氏物语》 曾提到: 【女主角紫姬十岁后被源氏收养,她便开始将牙齿染黑,使自己变得更美丽; 同时也开始 引眉 (把眉毛全部拔去,再塗上顔料) ,使得眉际看上去十分清爽。 因日本傳統习俗于平安時代起就有剃眉毛,染黑眉的習俗,当时这也是其中一种身份象征。 喜欢看日本NHK大河剧的你一定不陌生以下这部

Japan Discovery ( as a Malaysian )

Japan traveling tips and personal discovery on the culture ( for your convenient )
 *as a Malaysian*

NO 1 :   Japanese are sooo Polite!
-          Yes and No.

 the shopkeepers are polite enough to help you with your problem if there is one. 
I was having problem while wanted to complete my purchase on the Disney Land Ticket in the convenient shop. ( Yes it's very convenient actually, you can even pay your bills here )
And as I requested for help,
 the shopkeepers are kind and patience enough to stay with me and go through the process while slowly translating the words in Japanglish. 
( I have a little background on Japanese language so its not a problem for me ).
 As in Japanese are also a human being. 
And while the rumors and tales saying Japanese are F@#$%!G Polite. 
I would say : “ Parts of them are , not all of them. 
Some of them may have bad days and were frustrated / angry / etc ,
 thus the shouting, scolding , rude behavior “.
 Still with this in mind.
I would encourage you to be friendly to them if you ever meet some “not-so-Polite” Japanese ,
and see them as a person rather than : 


 ( there's only one japanese in the pic above thou :X )

NO 2 : Trains ! i like trains !
-          If you’re doing research on how to travel more for less money spend , 
there’s tons of guide out there that will tell you JR PASS is the thing that you’ll need as.
 JR covered mostly the city areas ,
( I can vouch for that , go check it out. And do note that there’s a few train company in Japan, 
in Osaka there are also Nankai, Kintetsu, Hankyu, etc .and JR PASS is only applicable to JR Railway ). 
IF and only IF, 
you are one of the *Fortunate* ones who dint see the value of JR PASS, OR for some reason that you dint manage to get one for yourself. FEAR NOT!
 I have a Money Saving Solution for you! ( not a huge one , but its a plus to know ) 


In Most Major Railway Stations,
 you can find a mini stall that is full of stickers , 
words, and prices, just like the pic below. They sells tickets that are below the normal price!  

For Example 

you are heading from Doubutsuen-Mae Station to Shinsaibashi Station and it costs 230 yen, you can get the same ticket that lets you travel to the same place for 200 yen or less 
( this depending on the availability of the ticket , 
do feel free to ask the shopkeeper for guidance,
most of them are friendly enough to guide you,
 hope this help to save some traveling cost during your stay ).

( This is the Ticket I get from the said booth. )

NO 3 : Ofuro ( baths )
-          Baths, is a common thing for a Asian, especially us the Malaysian. However there’s something that brings apart Japanese Baths ( Ofuro ) and our Bath ( well… baths ). 
I remembered that as I was in Japan and were staying with close friend of mine,
 I was clueless as I stepped into his bath room. 
It was a compact and interesting bathroom!
I saw a mini chair , a shower , a bathtub , a place for the shampoo’s and body wash , 
and there is a small space for you to put items ( where I put my glasses ).
 I do what I do best ( and the only thing I knew ), 
just bath my way through, washed myself ,
 scrubbed the dirt and dead skin off, and tadaaa~ I’m out of the bath in like 10-15 mins.
 That close friend of mine then curiously asked me : " wow you are fast ! did you use the bathtub? You should rest yourself in the bath tub to rejuvenate. " .
 Apparently, its normal for a Japanese to stay in the bathroom for up to 30 min and above!
 as they will chill in the bathtub filled with warm/hot water after cleaning themselves. 
I do recommend to pay a visit into the bath house, Sentō (銭湯) & Onsen (温泉)

( I had to take this pic from google image, as it din't come to my mind that i'm gonna take a pic of a shower room )

 NO 4 : Air-Conditioner !
          As I was in Japan , I thought that I’m strong enough to withstand the cold weather
 ( oh damn I was soooo wrong :X ) . 
It was at the early of the year , where it’s the start of the winter season, I TELL YOU !
 if you have nothing to do and wanna avoid the breezing wind! 
find a building/shop/restaurant and stay indoors ,
 as most of them are air-conditioned to generate warm air, WARM AIR ! I TELL YOU !
 never in my life I thought that I will be needing the warm air.
 ( As Malaysia is a 365days summer, and its hot af most of the time ) . 
That warm air blow on your hand as you quickly put it near the ‘mouth’ of the air-con 
it warms your freezing hands from the freezing temperature outside ,that blessed feeling I tell you. 
( its like you have hold on to a pee for a like 2 hours and finally found a toilet to settle it ).
 Air- Conditioner I Love You!

( Hiding in a Sentou, away from the Freezing Weather )

Every great things will eventually come to an END,
like this GREAT article,
it have to come into a stop, else i'll be labeled as boasting.

I can only write so much words,
I can only tell so much stories, 
      In one blog.

" You can read those articles, blogs, travel books all you want.
You'll never get to experience if you never take a step "

Stay tune for my next work in the future !

🏃‍♂️Wondering Stray💨
